
WeTu – Siemens Foundation Kenya Lake Victoria, MBS 0.5

Kenia Victoria See, MBS 0.5

In autumn 2018, the Siemens Foundation from Munich requested five high-performance water purification systems from SolarSpring GmbH in Freiburg, Germany, which can guarantee up to 15,000 litres of drinking water per day. The systems were installed in so-called water kiosks in the Lake Victoria region (Kenya). WeTu owns and operates six solar-powered water-energy hubs at Lake Victoria, Kenya –…

SolarSpring ECO

Africa Solaire, Congo, 2019, MBS 0.5

Africa Solaire is an official distributor of SolarSpring GmbH since 2019. Since then, we have already had four of our systems transported to Congo by sea freight and installed on site. Africa Solaire is a Congolese company with offices in Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo and in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Africa Solaire is staffed…

SolarSpring Outdoor

Höhengasthaus zum Kreuz (guesthouse and restaurant) Black Forest, Germany, MBS standard

Schwarzwald, Germany, MBS-Standard

The Stöhr family, owners of the Höhengasthaus zum Kreuz in Biederbach in the Black Forest, obtain their drinking water from their own spring. In times of heavy rainfall, the water became cloudy again and again. Not only the owner family noticed this, but also their guests. Thanks to our SolarSpring drinking water treatment system, both the smallest suspended particles…

SolarSpring ECO

Africa Greentec, Mali, 2017: UF system 2,000 l/h

In 2015, Africa GreenTec AG, based in Hainburg, was founded by Aida and Torsten Schreiber. Just two years later, the organisation was able to treat 2,000 litres / per hour of contaminated water into drinkable water with the help of our SolarSpring ultrafiltration system. Africa GreenTec empowers people to achieve greater self-determination and growth through sustainable energy solutions. The…

SolarSpring ECO

ColEnergy, Colombia, 2019, MBS Standard for Police Stations

Our sales partner “ColEnergy” from Colombia was supplied with drinking water systems. These were also installed in remote police stations in the jungle to provide clean water to the emergency services. ColEnergy is a Colombian company that focuses on initiating, designing and implementing innovative projects in the field of energy management and water treatment that are sustainable in the…

Incover, Innovative Eco-Technologies for Resource Recovery from Wastewater, 2019

In July 2019, SolarSpring GmbH installed two solar-powered disinfection systems. Ultrafiltration technology, as a key technology for disinfection of wastewater originating from agricultural and municipal sources, is particularly well suited for reprocessing in very high quality.òpolis-biofactory-microalgae-bioenergy-and-clean-water Category: MBS-Wall-Mounted…

SolarSpring ECO

little big world e.V., Indien, 2017: UF-System 250 l/h

For sustainable drinking water quality in an Indian village, Little Big World e.V. requested an ultrafiltration system for drinking water treatment from SolarSpring GmbH in 2017. The non-profit association organizes projects in the sense of helping people to help themselves. Category: MBS-Wall-Mounted…

SolarSpring ECO

Pre-test for Luft & Raumfahrt, Germany, Sulfur, phosphorus concentration, 2015

In 2015, researchers from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) commissioned SolarSpring GmBH to conduct a series of pre-tests for sulfur – phosphorus concentration using membrane technology….

Pre-test Company Develey Cucumber Water Concentration (Recyceling)

Project idea: Recycling of the salt components from the Develey cucumber water, which are made available again to the local road maintenance department after the recycling process.…

ReWaCEM, Resource recovery from industrial waste water by cutting edge membrane technologies, 2020

Project Title: Resource recovery from liquid Waste streams by Cutting Edge Membrane technologies The ReWaCEM approach offers a promising solution to the problem of wastewater disposal in the metal surface treatment industry and aims at creating a circular economy by recovery of resources. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme…
